Payment of your order

The payment for your orders is made only through the YPayBT application. If the payment is not successfully made for various reasons please contact us by phone at +40 724.331.133.


      Checking the status of your order


      Modifying or canceling your order

Modification or cancellation of an order is possible by contacting us by phone at +40 724.331.133


      Types of transport:

  • Standard (road)

  • Express (air)


      Minimum delivery times from the first working day after placing the order for international transport:

  • Standard(road)

Delivery timetable Delivery costs
0-1kg 1-2kg 2-5kg 10kg
Austria 6 days 56.00 61.00 72.00 82.00 RON
Delivery operators: Cargus + DPD 11.31 12.32 14.55 16.57 EUR (approximate)
Belgium 7 days 64.00 69.00 82.00 100.00 RON
Delivery operators: Cargus + Belgiumn Post HD 12.93 13.94 16.57 20.20 EUR (approximate)
France 7 days 69.00 74.00 87.00 107.00 RON
Delivery operators: Cargus + Colissimo 13.94 14.95 17.58 21.62 EUR (approximate)
Germany 6 days 51.00 56.00 66.00 80.00 RON
Delivery operators: Cargus + DE Hermes 10.30 11.31 13.33 16.16 EUR (approximate)
Greece 5 days 46.00 51.00 72.00 90.00 RON
Delivery operators: Cargus + ACS - home delivery 9.29 10.30 14.55 18.18 EUR (approximate)
Italy 8 days 57.00 61.00 72.00 87.00 RON
Delivery operators: Cargus + IT Bartolini 11.52 12.32 14.55 17.58 EUR (approximate)
Holland 7 days 63.00 66.00 79.00 100.00 RON
Delivery operators: Cargus + Post NL 12.73 13.33 15.96 20.20 EUR (approximate)
Portugal 7 days 57.00 59.00 66.00 75.00 RON
Delivery operators: Cargus + MRW 11.52 11.92 13.33 15.15 EUR (approximate)
Spain 7 days 59.00 62.00 72.00 77.00 RON
Delivery operators: Cargus + MRW 11.92 12.53 14.55 15.56 EUR (approximate)
UK 5 days 81.00 84.00 120.00 175.00 RON
Delivery operators: Cargus + Royal Mail Bucuresti 24HD 16.36 16.97 24.24 35.35 EUR (approximate)
Hungary 4 days 35.00 37.00 46.00 55.00 RON
Delivery operators: Cargus + Best home delivery solution 7.07 7.47 9.29 11.11 EUR (approximate)
    • Expres (aerian)

          24h (o zi)

    Delivery timetable Delivery costs
    0-1kg 1-2kg 2-5kg 10kg
    Austria 1 zi 95.00 135.00 215.00 350.00 RON
    Delivery operators: Fedex 19.19 27.27 43.43 70.71 EUR (approximate)
    Belgium 1 zi 98.00 138.00 220.00 355.00 RON
    Delivery operators: Fedex 19.80 27.88 44.44 71.72 EUR (approximate)
    France 1 zi 98.00 138.00 220.00 355.00 RON
    Delivery operators: Fedex 19.80 27.88 44.44 71.72 EUR (approximate)
    Germany 1 zi 95.00 135.00 215.00 350.00 RON
    Delivery operators: Fedex 19.19 27.27 43.43 70.71 EUR (approximate)
    Greece 1 zi 95.00 135.00 215.00 350.00 RON
    Delivery operators: Fedex 19.19 27.27 43.43 70.71 EUR (approximate)
    Italy 1 zi 95.00 135.00 215.00 350.00 RON
    Delivery operators: Fedex 19.19 27.27 43.43 70.71 EUR (approximate)
    Holland 1 zi 98.00 138.00 220.00 355.00 RON
    Delivery operators: Fedex 19.80 27.88 44.44 71.72 EUR (approximate)
    Portugal 1 zi 98.00 138.00 220.00 355.00 RON
    Delivery operators: Fedex 19.80 27.88 44.44 71.72 EUR (approximate)
    Spain 1 zi 98.00 138.00 220.00 355.00 RON
    Delivery operators: Fedex 19.80 27.88 44.44 71.72 EUR (approximate)
    UK 1 zi 98.00 138.00 220.00 355.00 RON
    Delivery operators: Fedex 19.80 27.88 44.44 71.72 EUR (approximate)
    Hungary 1 zi 90.00 125.00 200.00 330.00 RON
    Delivery operators: Fedex 18.18 25.25 40.40 66.67 EUR (approximate)


    Minimum delivery times from the first working day after delivery starts within Romania:

    Delivery timetable Delivery costs
    0-1kg 1-2kg 2-5kg 10kg
    România 1 zi 14.00 14.00 17.00 20.00 RON
    Delivery operators: Cargus 2.83 2.83 3.43 4.04 EUR (approximate)


          The weight of the packages

    Orders will be shipped in packages with a maximum weight of 10 kg / package, the maximum weight imposed by the transport service providers. In cases where the order will exceed the maximum allowed weight / package, it will be delivered in several packages, each package thus respecting the maximum weight norm (10 kg / package).


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